Find inner peace and live a more balanced life.

True success BEGINS with peace of mind.

Peace of mind BEGINS with a Whisper.

All whispers come with a 90 day no risk Money Back Guarantee!

All Whispers continuously release the build up of energy that you hold from the stress and tensions that occur in the course of your day.

Most importantly they protect you from the potentially harmful effects of Electromagnetic Smog.

Need any Information about Mind Whispering?

Combining Whispers with Whisper Training ensures Faster Effective Results

All Whisper Training courses include a lifetime inclusion to the courses you have purchased.

Whisper Basic Training Workshop

This workshop is a 4 week workshop designed to teach you all the ways these amazing tools empower you in creating the life of your dreams.

Advanced Whisper Training Program

This program is designed for those who have completed the Whisper Basic Training Workshop and wish to learn how to conduct balancings with 3 sets of Whispers. An excellent workshop for those who either already have a business and want to make Whisper Balancings and products to their business or those who are interested in starting a Whisper Business of their own.


Before I met Dan I had been told I had a host of ailments ranging from severe anxiety, chronic fatigue, and Fibromyalgia. I was stressed out beyond belief. I told Dan that I would do whatever he told me I needed to if he would guarantee me that I would get well. His response was that if I would guarantee I would do what he asked he would guarantee I would get better. I am so pleased to tell you that he has more than lived up to his guarantee. I now live a life beyond my wildest dreams. I have known Dan for over 25 years now, and have seen many of my friends experience the same miraculous benefits I have. If you suffer from the damaging effects of stress I urge you to learn more about Dan’s work, you’ll be forever grateful that you did

Kathy Van Domelan Irvine, Ca.

I was having a very stressful day, I felt nauseated to the point that I thought I would have to go home. Dan saw me and asked if I was willing to hold on to something for a little while. I worked with Dan for a few years, so I trusted him. About a half an hour later he walked over to me and asked how I was feeling. I realized that all the stress and tension I was feeling was gone. I looked at Dan and said, “These things are life changing” I then ordered a set for myself and have been using them ever since. Though life continues to happen as life will, my ability to deal with life on life’s terms has becoming so much better. Do yourself a favor and try them for yourself.

Brenda Lopez

As a health and fitness professional, I am always open to ways of improving the quality of my body's condition through natural means. Dan McBee introduced me to Whispers a year ago and how it could help my body's energy flow. I wasn't sure what to expect, but at the end of each balancing session I have had, I am astonished by how incredible I feel! After having my energy blockages released, my energy level sores! I exercise without effort and have a clear, sharp mind. I literally feel free to experience outstanding health at an entirely different level. Whispers are an amazing product that enables your body to be balanced, in harmony and energized to live a healthier life.

Lorraine Bosse'-Smith

WHISPERS are a perfect addition to my chiropractic practice. They help release the tension that builds up in the body from injury as well as stress. I wear them all the time and recommend that my clients wear them as well.

Dr.Lorraine McGee The Center For Well Being

Dear Dan, Although the Whisper helps to clear my mind, imagine my surprise when I tried the Whisper on my back, and hands. I have several previous back injuries, and decided to try the Whisper for pain. First, I put it in my hands after waking up one morning with arthritic pain in both my hands. After a few seconds, the pain was gone in one hand, and then the other. I was able to open and close my hand with ease. Then, I decided to try it on my lower back. I wear the Whisper in my right rear pocket. "NO BACK PAIN" . Thank you so much for introducing it to me.

Winnie N. Murrieta, Ca.

Unbelievable best describes my experience both professionally and personally. It gives one the power to concentrate, relax, focus, remove fear, anxiety and channel ones energy in a positive direction to obtain a desired outcome

Kenton Crowley Pharm.D., Professor, Inventor